Saturday, March 15, 2008

IAD certificate 1 in IT 2008

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Prescence in the verse

Staking Claims in the blogosphere
All our Cert 1 in IT students are generating their own blogs as part of their studies towards ICAU1133B 'Send and retrieve Info using browsers and email' .
I've looked at the range and scope statements from the curriculum and there is enough latitude to run this module.
As a precursor all students signed up for a gmail account and sent at least one email to everyone else in the group and also sent out invites to chat. Once this was done we had a interconnected student body. From within gmail it was then simpler to step off into the blogosphere.

I figure each student will fashion say 3 blogs: [1] My training journey, [2] Experimental and [3 ]'Incidence And Dreams' .
[1] 'My training journey' will serve as a Journal about working towards a certificate 1 in IT at IAD. [and fulfilling required training as per performance criteria of the ICAU1133B Unit.]
[2] 'Experimental' will be just that, sampling whats out there in the verse and learning how to upload and manipulate all the varieties of media permissible.
[3 ]'Incidence And Dreams' . Robert Browning said 'Ah, but a person's reach should exceed their grasp, Or what's a heaven for?'. This is a private aspirational space where students can wax existentially lyrical with poems, songs observations etc.

Here's a list of what we got up this week:


Cool Feature From JotSpot - A Spreadsheet

JotSpot has developed a capability to turn an ordinary Excel spreadsheet ....

...into an interactive Web site that anyone on a team can view and edit. Marrying the convenience of a spreadsheet with the collaborative power of a wiki, JotSpot Tracker allows users to create an application from spreadsheet data, breaking free from the cells by integrating calendars, maps, file attachments, sharing and permissions. With one click, users turn their tracking spreadsheets into a dynamic Website that centralizes information and solves the problem of "versionitis,"

Lightbulb01 Granted this is from a Press Release and I haven't actually tried it myself, but it sounds very interesting. I had a similar post a month or so ago about a wiki spreadsheet developed by Dan Bricklin.

This stuff gets more and more interesting. If anyone has tried it or has some impressions, I'd like to hear from you.


Content Management with built in collaboration.

Loooks like its all meta tagged

To sign up for Google Apps, enter your organization's domain name

Project Eggplant

What is a domain name? Usually it is the identifier associated with your organization's email address (like @ The domain you provide will be used for all your Google services. For example, if you choose or, you will be able to create user accounts for or

And I need one for the student network, can i do thru wiki?

Wednesday, March 12, 2008


A main theme of this work is for students to explore the rewards that come from belonging to a community. At this stage the community is 'Class of 2008', I hope to witness a gradual evolution of inter- connectivity.
Given that 'the futures already here, it's just unevenly distributed' [Will Gibson] this then is about re-distribution.

Presence in the verse

Staking Claims in the blogosphere
All our Cert 1 in IT students are generating their own blogs as part of their studies towards ICAU1133B 'Send and retrieve Info using browsers and email' .
I've looked at the range and scope statements from the curriculum and there is enough latitude to run this module.
As a precursor all students signed up for a gmail account and sent at least one email to everyone else in the group and also sent out invites to chat. Once this was done we had a interconnected student body. From within gmail it wass then simpler to step off into the blogosphere.

I figure each student will fashion say 3 blogs: [1] My training journey, [2] Experimental and [3 ]'Incidence And Dreams' .
[1] 'My training journey' will serve as a Journal about working towards a certificate 1 in IT at IAD. [and fulfilling required training as per performance criteria of the ICAU1133B Unit.]
[2] 'Experimental' will be just that, sampling whats out there in the verse and learning how to upload and manipulate all the varieties of media permissible.
[3 ]'Incidence And Dreams' . Robert Browning said 'Ah, but a person's reach should exceed their grasp, Or what's a heaven for?'. This is a private aspirational space where students can wax existentially lyrical with poems, songs observations etc.

Here's a list of what we got up this week: